About me
I am an Indigenous health researcher. My Nation is Kanienkehaka (Mohawk). I live on Reserve in my partners home community of Tkemlups te Secwepemc.
Although my research chair is technically named Indigenous child and maternal health and education my broad area of research is in Indigenous health. Most of my professional training and experience is in Counselling Psychology and in Indigenous mental health. For the past 15 years I have been engaged in Indigenous health research capacity building and in Indigenous health research advocacy at the provincial and national level. For over 10 years I ran the BC Aboriginal Capacity and Developmental Research Environments (ACADRE), the Network Environment for Aboriginal Health Research (NEAHRBCYT), and Kloshe Tillicum. On the advocacy front I am the co-founder/leader of the National Aboriginal Health Research Steering Committee: Kawatsire. At present I am developing a new centre at TRU called: All my Relations. This centre will be a national Indigenous family and community health research and training centre to identify, research and further develop and implement best practices in Aboriginal family and community health and healing.